Cluster Energy Technology
"The capital region Berlin-Brandenburg is full of energy: there are more than 6,000 businesses employing over 56,000 persons in the Cluster Energy Technology. Since 2011 both federal states have made a substantial contribution to fostering the development of the innovation potential across the states through the Cluster Energy Technology with regard to the core topics of renewable energies, energy efficiency, energy grids and storage systems as well as turbo machines and power station technology.
The important players within the Cluster Energy Technology are being actively connected and supported by the Cluster management during the initiation and the early stages of projects. In this regard the action strategies (master plans, innovation strategies etc.) adapted specifically for the relevant areas within innovation fields in cooperation with the important players are of crucial importance.
Among the important players of the Cluster rank the business and science communities flanked by chambers, representatives of the fields of politics and public administration, networks and interest groups of the region Berlin-Brandenburg.
In charge of the Cluster management are Brandenburg Invest and Berlin Partner for Business and Technology.
The work of the Cluster also centres on these focus areas:
- Innovation management and technology transfer
- Expertise and location marketing
- Providing targeted information and actively connecting the important players of the Cluster (through, e.g., studies, sector overviews, marketing, participation at fairs and exhibitions)
- Identifying and exploring synergies between clusters
- Exchange of knowledge and experience
- Support with regard to internationalisation and the recruitment of skilled employees