ICT | Media | Creative Industries
The Cluster ICT, Media and Creative Industries is the Cluster of the digital economy. In the framework of the Joint Innovation Strategy of the States of Berlin and Brandenburg (abbreviated innoBB), numerous important players within the Cluster have joined forces to advance the digital transformation. These joint networks, higher education institutions, businesses and associations are the very essence of the Cluster; they stand for innovation and creativity, intelligent networks and new technologies.
Outstanding research institutes, start-ups and well-established businesses attract cross-regional and international attention, strengthen the region’s competitiveness and increase its creation of added value. The cluster shows above-average growth when it comes to turnovers and employment. It encompasses over 45,000 businesses with a total turnover of almost €30 billion.
A cross-cutting and unifying approach lies at the heart of the digital economy. Networks are encompassing a growing number of areas of life and labour; they combine technology and everyday life as well as the public and the private. Cross-cluster-approaches are becoming increasingly important. Another special feature of the capital region is its strong allure as a location for the creative industries, which are, in turn, a driving force behind economic upswing and, at the same time, a substantial economic factor with strong future prospects – especially in Berlin.