ERCI Conference Mobility and COVID-19: The Science Counterattacks

ERCI Conference | Mobility and COVID-19: The Science Counterattacks

15. July 2020
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Online | 00000 Online Conference
Welcome and presentation of ERCI
Mr. Dirk Ulrich Krueger, Spokesperson of ERCI
Dr Eng. Ignasi Gómez-Belinchón, Cluster Manager Railgrup
Contagion and mobility. SARS-CoV-2
Dr Enric Alvarez, Researcher of the Research Group on Computational Biology and Complex Systems (BIOCOM-SC, UPC)
Sensor system to control simultaneously temperature and social distancing in public transportation transit & waiting zones
Dipl.-Ing. Ute Franke, 5micron GmbH
Electrochemical sensors to detect the level of viral load. Learning from “in silico” experiments
Prof. Carles Alemán. BarcelonaTech. IMEM-BRT Group. Dept. of Chemical Engineering (UPC)

Case use applied to industry
Dr. Pau Turón, PhD (Chem), PhD (B.Adm), VP Research and Development. B. Braun Group (Spain)
Rapid diagnostic nanosensor platforms against pandemics
Dr. Bergoi Ibarlucea, Head of Biosensing Activities, Institute of Materials Science, Max Bergmann Center of Biomaterials Dresden
Air stream flows in stations and public transport vehicles as a key element in the potential for virus spread. Simulation technologies to be applied to minimize the risk of contagion
Prof. Joaquim Rigola, Heat and Mass Transfer Technological Center (CTTC). Department of Thermal Machines and Engines. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech (UPC)
Q&A Session
End of the conference

COVID-19 has changed the way of using public transportation.

Operators must apply new protocols (not defined so far) to generate confidence in the population. What tools do we currently have?

The European Railway Clusters Initiative (ERCI) Conference on Mobility and COVID-19: The Science Counterattacks will address this extremely topic issue from different perspectives coming from the Academic World.

Lutz Hübner


Senior Manager
Rail Systems Technology
T +49 30 46302-573

The science counterattacks!

The conference will cover a wide variety of approaches:

  • sensor systems to control simultaneously temperature and social distancing

  • electrochemical sensors to detect the level of viral load

  • rapid diagnostic nanosensor platforms against pandemics

  • simulation technologies to minimize the risk of contagion caused by air stream flows in stations and public transport vehicles

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the best European Scholars, united against COVID-19.