ERCI Conference Mobility and COVID-19: The Science Counterattacks

ERCI Conference | Mobility and COVID-19: The Science Counterattacks

COVID-19 has changed the way of using public transportation. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from the best European Scholars. The science couterattacks.

15. July 2020
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Online | 00000 Online Conference
ERCI 10 Webinar Series

1st ERCI Online Workshop: Condition Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance

In this ERCI 10 webinar, learn more about innovative solutions for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance from ERCI member SMEs.

24. June 2020
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
GoToWebinar | 00000 Online Workshop

2nd ERCI Online Workshop: Condition Monitoring & Predictive Maintenance

In this ERCI 10 online workshop, learn more about innovative solutions for condition monitoring and predictive maintenance from ERCI member SMEs.

1. July 2020
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
MS Teams | 00000 Online-Seminar

Indian Railway Market Demand - An Opportunity for Innovative Solutions?

In order to attract new suppliers to the Indian railway industry, Crescendo Worldwide is organizing a free webinar on "Indian Railway Market Demand".

17. June 2020
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM
Zoom | 00000 Webinar
WEBMINAR RailActivation

ERCI Online Workshop: RailActivation Open Call

In this workshop the RailActivation Open Call will be explained, how the  project will support European SMEs in workplace innovation as well as the methodology. In addition, in this edition QUINN will present case studies.

3. June 2020
10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
Webinar | 00000 Webinar

ERCI Webinar Prevention meets Simulation

In this webinar rail professionals will be able to talk to companies from the ERCI network, whose innovative solutions tackle the Corona crisis – also far beyond the railway industry.

13. May 2020
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Live Video Conference | 00000 GoToMeeting

ERCI's Freight and Logistics Taskforce Webinar

Promoting and shifting to a freight multimodal approach is a main challenge the Freight and Logistics Taskforce has established towards the future. Join us in this webinar for a debate on current trends in multimodality with experts in the field.

10. June 2020
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Live Video Conference | 00000 Microsoft Teams

ERCI Webinar Rail Industry in COVID-19 Era

The Webinar will share the state of the art on initiatives and policies at EU level that may affect positively the Rail Supply Industry.

6. May 2020
10:30 AM – 11:30 AM