Expert Talk: Rail Industry: Recent developments and a brief outlook until 2025

Rail Industry: Recent developments and a brief outlook until 2025

Together with the management consultancy Roland Berger the ERCI partner cluster ACstyria is organizing an exclusive expert talk on current developments in the rail industry - taking into account the COVID-19 situation.

29. October 2020
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM

ERCI Workshop: IoT Wireless Monitoring in the Rail Industry

Discover new approaches in rail monitoring. Learn how to perform wireless, remote monitoring and preventive maintenance safely and cost-effectively to extend the life cycle of the infra/supra infrastructure and avoid unexpected service interruptions.

8. October 2020
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Future funding for rail transport technology in Horizon Europe

Future Funding for Rail Systems Technology Research in Horizon Europe

The InnoTrans BUSINESS TALK gives an overview of the funding of research topics in railway technology in the new EU investment programme for research and innovation (2021 - 2027) Horizon Europe and reveals how Shift2Rail will continue.

24. September 2020
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
online | 00000 via MS Teams
InnoTrans BUSINESS DAYS - What happens next?

InnoTrans BUSINESS DAYS: What happens next?

Get an overview about what’s next in preparation for the InnoTrans 2021.

25. September 2020
10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Online-Seminar | 00000 MS Teams
InnoTrans Business Days - Opening and Welcome

InnoTrans BUSINESS DAYS - Opening & Welcome

Welcome from the organisers and cooperation partners of the InnoTrans Business Days

22. September 2020
10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Online-Seminar | 00000 MS Teams
Online-Seminar Rail Baltica - Oppotunities for the railroad industry in Germany

Rail Baltica | Oppotunities for the railroad industry in Germany

The aim of the event is to present the Rail Baltica project. The aim of the joint discussion is to identify opportunities for cooperation with the railway industry in Germany.

8. September 2020
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM

ERCI Innovation Awards 2020

This year the European Railway Clusters Initiative celebrates its 10th anniversary. As every year, ERCI honours pioneering innovation projects of European rail industry companies time with the ERCI Innovation Awards.

23. September 2020
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Online Workshop | 00000 MS Teams
InnoTrans Business Days - Benefit for your business!

InnoTrans Business Days | Benefit for your business!

With the help of the virtual edition of InnoTrans BUSINESS DAYS you can network and establish valuable contacts from home and abroad within the originally planned time frame of InnoTrans from 22 to 25 September 2020.

9. September 2020
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
MS Teams | 00000 online
Online-Seminar High Speed 2 – Chancen für die Bahnindustrie in Deutschland

High Speed 2 | Opportunities for the railroad industry in Germany

The aim of the event is to present the HS2 project and investment opportunities in the West Midlands region. The aim of the joint discussion is to identify opportunities for cooperation with the railway industry in Germany.

10. September 2020
10:30 AM – 12:00 PM
InnoTrans Business Days


Between 22 and 25 September 2020 you can network and make valuable international contacts during the virtual InnoTrans BUSINESS DAYS

22. September 2020 –
25. September 2020
Online | 00000 Virtual Matchmaking